Hilltop at Home
Use the resources below to lead your family in Christ, even when you’re not at church!
Right Now Media
Right Now Media is a brilliant resource for in home bible studies, devotions, and kids curriculum. These are video driven series for all ages in a wide variety of topics. It’s like a Christian version of Netflix. Take advantage of your smart TV or casting device and watch them on your TV with the whole family! Sign up for your free account by clicking the box below.
YouVersion Bible App
Already installed on over 455 million unique devices all over the world, the Bible App offers a free Bible experience for smartphones, tablets, and online at Bible.com.
Bible App for Kids
By introducing children to 41 of the “big” Bible stories, the Bible App for Kids helps them understand the overall story that the Bible is telling. Kid-friendly navigation helps them find and select whichever story they want, then reads it aloud to them in a friendly narrative style. Throughout each story, fun, interactive animations keep children engaged, and select stories even include games designed to help them learn, understand, and retain important Bible story concepts.